Training, Workshops and Coachings LIVE ONLINE
Since March 2019 I have been giving LIVE ONLINE Trainings and Coachings from my training studio.
You can look forward to:
- Highly interactive sessions – writing on the screen, participating in launched polls and share your questions and thoughts with your peers
- Collaboration & solutions – collaborate with your peers in seperate breakout rooms and use the whiteboard for your group’s results
- Input & suggestions – follow me to our physical flipchart when discussing models or working on practical cases
- Work with your potenial – enjoy sparring sessions with your peers and lift your potential
- Transfer to day-to-day business – define the action points that you want to put into practice after the session
- Handouts as downloads – receive handouts and checklists to download and work with after our sessions
When working together live online we use analog & digital tools in a good mix. We share our presentations via the computer screen and brainstorm on a virtual whiteboard. You can write and post things on the screen, you can create mindmaps in your breakout rooms where you collaborate with your peers and you can see how your peers think about a certain topic by using polls. Also, we use a flipchart to look at some models and recap the group’s lessons learned on a pin board. All clearly visible from a professional studio set up and put together into a customized training summary that you will receive after the session.
Log in from any device. Your workplace, your mobile device or your home office is your portal to the virtual classroom.
Save precious time and eliminate travel costs by training at the destination of your choice.
The set up of the session is tailored to your specific objectives. The format that ensures reaching your goals might be a half day session to focus on one subject or a full day as in classroom trainings. Also, a 90-minute follow-up after a training session or beforehand to kick off a new training. As well you can choose individual 1 to 1 online coachings.
„Making use of all functions of Zoom and working with a highly active and motivating trainer, you almost forget that it is an online training.“
"Katja hat uns unterschiedliche Tools gezeigt und diese auch selber genutzt, wie Z.B. das Whiteboard, Flipchart, Umfragen etc. Dadurch war eine super Interaktivität gegeben und man konnte besser dabei bleiben, weil nicht nur stur auf den Bildschirm geguckt hat."
„Super Dozentin, sehr effektive Nutzung der gegebenen Tools (Zoom), angenehme Struktur der Inhalte und Abläufe (Auflockerung durch Gruppenarbeiten in Extra-Räumen via Zoom).“
„Die Referentin war sehr gut vorbereitet und hat die digitalen Möglichkeiten super eingesetzt, um die Lerninhalte zu transferieren.“
"Die Trainerin hat die Herausforderung des digitalen Coachings perfekt gemeistert. Absolute Weiterempfehlung!"
"Toll war, dass wir wie auch bei vor Ort Schulungen in eigenen Gruppenräumen Themen bearbeiten konnten. Dadruch dass man sich online keinen freien Raum suchen muss oder wartet bis die letzte Gruppe zurückgekommen ist, hat man sicherlich auch eine effiziente Zeitersparnis online."
„The online training worked very well and was very efficient. I especially liked the possibility to work in groups in different rooms and that we could save all information i.e. on the online whiteboards directly on your own laptop.“
"Ich hatte viel Spaß. Man hat wirklich viel mitgenommen – mehr als gedacht. Die Arbeit in kleineren Gruppen war super; auch die zeitliche Begrenzung war immer sehr gut gewählt. Zoom bietet sehr viele Möglichkeiten, die die Produktivität steigern und kaum einen Unterschied zur Präsenzveranstaltung erkennen lassen (Whiteboard, Reaktionen, Gruppenbildung, etc.)"
“The teacher was so interactive that it felt as if we were in the same room.”
"The program delivered online is very efficient, as the breakout rooms are instant! No logistics fuss whatsoever, no time wasted on the learning, I think it's even better than being in a room.”