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My concept for the development of your people: holistic and sustainable
A company’s most valuable resource is its people. Every one of us who identifies with the company, its products and values and sees common goals is motivated and committed achieving those goals. In doing so we also need a set of tools and learn the methods for solving the day-to-day challenges. Therefore we need to be trained and enabled.
I accompany you with passion, power and focus on your daily business.
After identifying the actual needs in your organization, we’ll set smart goals and I will create a customized development plan that includes tailor-made training courses for the individual needs of your people.
We will also develop effective methods for applying and implementing these in their day-to-day business. This includes on-the-job training, feedback sessions, and more specific trainings or individual coachings.
To help ensure that your people take a dynamic and sustainable path towards development, my work for and with you will be based on a holistic approach.
Holistic because we work out the specific needs to achieve the goals and tailor an individual development plan that we will review together.
Sustainable because we ensure the transfer to day-to-day business by supporting on-the-job and by offering individual coaching.